Following on from the last session with Ben from Ditto Press, I was still very stuck on what had been asked of us and I was hoping to use this session to illuminate my understanding.
Initial Methodology Attempts |
We were asked to meet in our groups to speak to Ben in a tutorial and were to have a methodology that we could talk to the group about. I struggled but I managed to come up with some methods which, in the tutorial, I was told were wrong anyway.
Ben could clearly see that I was struggling and I even told him that I just didn't understand what we were trying to achieve. He tried to explain it to me, saying that I should think of a game and how I would have my own rules.
Examples of a Methodology |
That's when I had an idea. In regards to my own approach to design, I have a book which I make every note and drawing in that I use for everything. In this book, I have to have a different colour pen ink for every page next to each other and, if writing on a page already written, I have to write on it in a different colour. I can't have colours touching and it lets me see what I had been planning. I showed Ben my book and he found this really interesting because you could see the thought process that I had undertaken on these pages and showed an aspect of my personality within how I work out what I'm doing.
Methodology Plan |
From this realisation, I began to make a plan as to how this would work as my methodology where I would be able to have a sheet of paper and solely use that to test whether it would work.
Logo for my Method |
We were then given a few minutes to produce a poster about our method. Instead, I decided to give mine a brand, calling it 'Colourplan' and giving it a little pen illustration. I felt that, despite the rushed drawing due to the timing, it was about right because it was exacting and was produced in the method.
Even though I wasn't entirely convinced that my book and pens was a methodology, what I learnt from this session was that it was important to have my personality within the work that I do and how I approach design. This is very important and I want to begin to continue to make a conscious effort to do this from now on as this is how I seem to be able to get the best out of my work.
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